Negative Reply on Love Letter example for “Courtship Letter”, Complete Love Letter Writing Example.

Negative Reply on Love Letter example for “Courtship Letter”.



Dear Meera, 

I received your letter a few days after my return from Bonn. Let me reciprocate my feelings and impressions of you while we knew each other at the Institute of Bonn. It was an extremely sweet and friendly relationship. I assure you, I don’t mean to hurt your feelings when I say that our relationships must at best stop at friendship. 

I do not belong to a family which has many members occupying important civil positions. Most of my relatives are teaching in schools or universities. I do not think of you would fit in our social environment which is mostly middle class. Besides, a marriage between equals generally ends up in ego hassles and a clash of temperaments. 

All this, however, does not imply that we cannot remain good friends. I hope you will understand. 

Yours sincerely, 



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