Condolence, Sympathy Letter “To One Suffering from AIDS” Letter Writing Example for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 Students.

To One Suffering from AIDS 




Dear Anamika, 

You can be sure I am your friend that writes to you. Your calm strength in the face of your formidable illness will prove you a brave warrior in life. AIDS, let me tell you as a doctor, is not stigma on your personality. Many great people have suffered from it owing to no fault of their own. Perhaps an infected needle during an injection might have caused it. 

What we cannot avoid, we must bravely endure. Think of the millions who die on earth owing to illness, starvation, the natural calamity of accident. Man’s will is nothing to God’s. May God give you peace and strength. 

Yours prayerfully, 



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