Reply Letter from Boyfriend to Father of Girl on “Warming to Him”, Complete Love Letter Writing Example.

Reply Letter from Boyfriend to Father of Girl on “Warming to Him”



Dear Uncle, 

I received your letter yesterday regarding Apsara. After your explanation of Apsara’s character and her background, I am ashamed of ever having teased her. It must have been an ordeal for her. Only that I did not realize it as eve-teasing and light banter is a normal way of getting along between the sexes in college. However, I take your word for it and change my attitude to her my attitude to her 

I am going to talk to Apsara and befriend her. Perhaps she might have many good ideas we can both put together in college. We can revitalize the dying theatre group of our college. Perhaps she can help me with collections of contributions for earthquake victims. This will take her out of her shell. 

From today I am her friend and ally against possible eve-teasers. 

Yours very sincerely, 

Akash Singh. 


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