Letter to Break off Engagement, Complete Love Letter Writing Example.

Letter to Break off Engagement 



Dear Kaushik, 

It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that I must break off my engagement to you. My infatuation for you was the impulse of a moment. I was quite bowled out by your achievements in the academic arena. 

But academics is not the only criteria for judging a person. I was shocked to learn from reliable sources that you have been indicted in a case of assault and molestation. How could you keep the matter secret from me whom you decided to make your own for a lifetime? If you had been candid about it to me. I am sure I could have passed it off as some type of false indiction or a misinterpretation. Your secrecy in the matter simply shatters my illusion. 

I do not wish to hear froth you anymore. Our engagement stands cancelled. 

Madhu Taneja 


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