Suggestion, Advice Letter “Reply from Indian Gone Abroad” Letter Writing Example for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 Students.

Reply from Indian Gone Abroad 


New York 



Dear Jacob, I have got my bearings already in the New York State University Department of Political Studies. My guide is a grand old man of 70, Prof. Albuquerque. He has made me comfortable in a modest room of the hostel. All the conveniences and appliances of modern civilisation are around now. 

It is not difficult for me to relate to the American people after the brief you gave me. As you wrote, they are an ‘experimental’ people welcoming initiative and drive. I was surprised at the marked difference from way back home in India. At Jabalpur University, everybody thought I was queer in trying to read into Clinton’s personality as a maverick. Here, my’ suggestion, drew much laughter. Nobody was insulted by my remark. Obviously, they encourage free thought so long as it is not intentionally malicious! 

I have a pretty assistant to help me with my typing work 

-Jane. Don, you be jealous!

Yours truly, 



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